We are delighted to join forces with the Indonesian Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN for a round table discussion ‘Global Pillars meet Local Values?’ We are most grateful to our presenters Director of International Taxation Mekar Satria Utama, Dr Rahmadi Murwanto Director of PKN Stan, Committee on Fiscal Studies (CFS) chair Lyla Latif, PhD, Deloitte’s Wobke Hahlen, PKN Stan’s Ferry irawan, CPA, Unilever’s Sebastiaan de Buck and to The Capabuild Foundation’s moderator Premkumar Baldewsing. We want to thank the 676 zoom participants and the 1149 you tube participants joining the round table discussion ‘Global Pillars meet Local Values?’ on 5th of May 2023 . We are very grateful for the wonderful detailed feedback we received from the zoom participants with over 80% rating the discussion 5 stars, the maximum score. We thank the team of Keluarga Mahasiswa Pajak PKN STAN for hosting this event. Much gratitude to our moderator, the leading presenter, and the experts joining the discussion, presenting their views with great clarity. Speaking of Pillar 1 and 2 we recommend the article by Fachrizal Septian https://lnkd.in/gdH7SYns
Welcoming Jos Beerepoot to Our Supervisory Board
We are thrilled to announce that Mr. Jos Beerepoot has joined our Supervisory Board.“Every step towards truly global cooperation will make this world a better